Product lines


No worries for mum.

Based on the main illustration style, we developed some adaptations to the character design (so it could work in a smaller format) for the packaging. In order to keep the use of texture, we changed the application from fill only to the edges and strokes. Each product line is differenciated by color and each side (front and back) has a unique illustration with a different mood. Mamá en calma (Calmed Mom) shows a relaxed attitude, Mamá cómoda (Mom at ease) shows a carefree attitude, Mamá radiante (Radiant Mom) shows healthy and beautiful hair, Mamá en control (Mom in control) shows a secure attitude without any worry from pregnancy nausea.

1   Mamá en Calma

                 Illustrations for Roll-On Massager

Illustrations for Refreshing Massage Gel

Illustrations for Refreshing Body Wash

  Mamá Cómoda

      Illustrations for Stretch Marks Serum

Illustrations for Nipple Cream

3  Mamá Radiante

     Illustrations for Strengthening Shampoo 

Illustrations for Strengthening Conditioner

Illustrations for Tonic for Hair Growth

4  Mamá en Control

                  Illustrations for Fragrance-free Body Wash